I spent quite a bit of time the last couple days with Support figuring out why my Lookup PowerPoint Add-In was loading so slooooooowly. Eventually, we determined I was not on the most recent set. Having deleted the existing, and re-installed new ones, it now runs much faster. Great! Except...how would I have ever known…
I think we should add the functionality to access saved searches via LookUp. Looking in the Chrome extension, I can access recent searches but not saved searches. Votes 2
Invesco and Dynatrace have asked for the ability to Freeze Filters when using LookUp. I see the use case for this, and am adding that functionality as an enhancements request. Votes 3
Team - I have S4'd this in the past, but the topic keeps coming up. When using the Lookup for Office or Lookup for Chrome features, it is easy to select and paste content that contains one or more Merge Tags. Users can easily miss this, and leave those merge tags in the documents in which they are working. When using…
I was working with a prospect that is receiving bids from Smartsheet and Google Sheets. When testing our ability to create a project using LookUp, I could not mark within Google Sheets. I tried this in a Google doc as well and could not. I would like to be able to use the "Icon to add by selecting text" and it pull in the…
Team, currently when we search for any keywords under the slides within the Lookup add-in for MS PowerPoint, the slide decks are listed out that match the keywords. While this is great, there should also be an option to only search for matching slides. Since we are able to list out the slide decks having the matching…
I have had three demos this week that have looked at the PPT LookUp functionality and asked if we have that for Google Slides. The three prospects were Promevo, Introhive, and Memora Health. Is it possible to add the ability to apply templates to google slides from the Chrome extension? Votes 15 Comments for the idea :…
Hey team, Can we add the ability to change instances within our PowerPoint add-in, like we have in Outlook, Excel, and Word? This would be very helpful for both demos and when we are running a POC. Thanks, Tim Votes 13
Currently, when adding a new Q&A pair from Slack, you cannot include images in the response field. I think we should add that ability. We did receive this direct question from a prospect today. That's what made me aware that this is not currently available. Votes 3 Comments for the idea : product-response-mgmt…
Team, while we can create Projects and relevant sections & questions using our Lookup add-in for Web browsers. It would be logical to be able to edit details of existing projects and also be able to assign authors and reviewers right from within the same. Glad to discuss the relevant scenarios and use cases for the same.…
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