PROD-I-616 Undock the Content Library search Window

Jill Cloke from ADP raised this request where she'd like the ability to either expand the Content Library Search window or she needs it to be undocked for ease of use across the CCL.

Votes 1

Comments for the idea :
Sumana Mohanan Aug 9, 2022 Additionally Leslie from Edmentum has also submitted a feedback that the styles getting displayed at the bottom is not helpful when editing a multi-part response or a response that contains multiple styles. Adding this to the same S4 request. product-response-mgmt product-response-mgmt Oct 7, 2022 Hi Sumana Thanks for your feedback. We will discuss with the team and get back to you on this. Regards, Shivaalini U

1 votes

Needs review · Last Updated

need updating

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