PROD-I-140 Trend Analysis within Intake module

It helps the bid team to have this visibility while they are qualifying/ discussing options within Intake and have this metrics to bring relevant teams and data points into the mix.

Created date : 2022-05-24

Votes : 6

Comments for the idea :
sunder sunder May 24, 2022

Just for additional context and clarification, can you elaborate on what type of "trend analysis"? Perhaps with a couple of examples.


Naveen N May 24, 2022
Thanks @sunder.
Sure, Is it possible for us to have some of the existing charts under our trend analysis tab like Project stages, AL usage, top authors, Total project count, value, days, Project completion report? Would be good to have our Project type dropdown, so the users can classify or filter the report based on this input to get a headstart

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

need updating

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