PROD-I-1145 Ability to automatically archive Proactive proposals after generation

Team, we have started noticing customers that have a lot of users who generate a large no of Proactive proposals but the same doesn't get archived automatically and hence the customer tends to loose those project slots under our unlimited user licensing model, unless and until an authorized user archives the same manually. An option to archive the project automatically after a proposal is generated can help the customer save on their Project slots and make this very cost-effective.
Scores = 6.0
comments = Keith Norrie Mar 14, 2023 Agree with George. It is currently hard to sell this capability due to the fact we cannot say how many projects we will need to cover the customers needs in the area of building proposals with Proposal Builder. Tying up a project like this and requiring an Admin to manually archive it after creation is not a scalable solution. Jonathan Gudger Mar 15, 2023 This solution is optimal if admins can choose whether auto-archive is optional vs mandatory ... and if optional, whether or not it's selected by default in Proposal Builder

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

need updating

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