PROD-I-69 Only include business days in Executive Dashboard

Autodesk uses the Executive Dashboard Project Completion (Days) to report to their team on how long it took them to complete a project. They recently noticed that this included Non-Business Days. They would like for this to only include Business Days, especially if the Non-Business Days feature is enabled and set in Org Settings.

Votes 5

Comments for the idea :
product-response-mgmt product-response-mgmt Oct 10, 2022 Thank you for the idea, Kendall. Checking priority, feasibility, and impact. - Arun Cory Edwards Feb 16, 2023 Resurfacing this to see if evaluation has been completed; this question came up while discussing reports with E2open, who would want to see business days reflected in project completion (and other reports) to get an accurate read on time spent. product-response-mgmt product-response-mgmt Feb 16, 2023 Hi Cory, we've identified 3 impact areas- * project completion stats (shortest, longest, average) in Exec Dashboard * project stage vs average days table in Exec

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

need updating

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